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business models, strategies and technologies

From drool-worthy e-bikes to bankable corporate value

Sleekly designed Maravelo e-bikes are yet more interesting because of the business model used to sell them I’ve been considering an e-bike for a while: my old bike is on its last legs, and it seems a bit silly not to take advantage of modern technology to make sure I get more exercise – and that I’m less daunted by distance. Good intentions...

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Rethinking the wine bottle

Reconsidering the business model for the ubiquitous wine bottle – a big, heavy object whose prime function lies in logistics and producer profiling It’s (relatively) easy to declare that companies should rethink their business models so their activities don’t kill off the planet we need to live on. It’s less easy for companies to work out how to do something substantial. So here’s a quick...

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Research as competitive advantage – Volvo-style

A car is a car – but with the Equal Vehicles for All Initiative, Volvo differentiates differently Volvo recently (April 2019)  launched the Equal Vehicles for All (EVA) initiative in worldwide media, with a series of attention-grabbing images and films of a female body dummy splintering into a myriad pieces. The accompanying messaging was about the differences between what happens to male and female bodies...

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