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business models, strategies and technologies

ESG – report, resolve or rethink?

ESG reporting is no longer a “nice to have” – but does it look backwards or forwards? ESG reporting –  ground rules still being written The market value – and future potential – of a company no longer relies just on financial information and data. There’s a (relatively) new narrative in town … Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are an increasingly important part...

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Where lieth the real EV innovation narrative?

Much real electric vehicle innovation has little to do with the motor or battery technology inside. Technical breakthroughs don’t mean much if the primary conceptual narrative is stuck in a mindset from Henry Ford days. Narratives beneath the surface It’s all too easy to think of electric vehicles simply as newer-tech versions of their century-old internal combustion engine counterparts – just with a different...

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Car restoration – peccadillos of the rich or the “right to repair”?

At its huge facility in the Philippines, Byrnes Motor Trust Restoration Inc. is rethinking the business model for restoring old cars – at scale Restoring classic cars – a strange kettle of fish Classic car collecting and the parallel feeder-vein restoration is a singularly strange phenomenon, with facets reaching out into very different dimensions of human endeavour and ambition. It is a field tugged...

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