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business models, strategies and technologies

Rethinking perceptions of green

Green went from positive to propaganda pariah – “fashion of the month” usually shoots itself in the corporate foot Redefining green as blue For many years now, communication and marketing efforts have mindlessly enrolled the colour green for service as a symbol of environmental awareness and responsibility. So much so that it’s become a cliché, with its own derogative moniker – greenwash. The word...

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Taking the schizophrenic out of optician

The ie-glasses rethink of the optician’s shop as design emporium – some thoughts about customer-centricity (or lack thereof) in the optician’s trade From optician to design outlet On a recent visit to Copenhagen, I chanced upon what seemed like a refreshing (partial) rethink of the business model for the optician’s shop. The shop is ie-glasses. The company’s brochure starts by declaring that this optician’s shop isn’t an optician’s...

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Rethinking “Lorem ipsum” boilerplate

Sometimes even the most mundane parts of business processes can be rethunk. Dummy text goes intriguingly literate … A tradition of unobtrusiveness One of the hallowed traditions in the advertising and marketing world is to pour apparently faux Latin into draft layouts so that people can see, evaluate and appreciate a new piece of visual genius or eye-catching graphic design without being distracted by what the...

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