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business models, strategies and technologies

Planes starting and stopping – easyJet energy recovery

Aircraft use vast amounts of energy to speed up when taking off, and again to slow down when landing. What if some of that energy could be recovered? easyJet is a British low-cost airline carrier based at London Luton Airport. In February 2016, the company revealed plans for an innovative hydrogen fuel cell system designed to do away with the need for aircraft to...

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Drool-worthy or different?

It’s easy to be impressed or even gobsmacked by Fallen Furniture. But impressive isn’t the same as innovative … Furniture from scrap A luxury furniture firm from the UK reminded me how crucial it is to differentiate between natural drooling over a company’s products and thinking that there’s any “rethinking” actually involved. Fallen Furniture takes scrap parts – wheels, engine cowlings, wings and even bomb...

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Reconsidering SAS coffee cups

SAS let customers design their own disposable coffee cups – and then apparently dumped the whole marketing exercise in the metaphorical garbage …   Design your own Early in 2012, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) forked out big bucks for whole page ads in Børsen, the major Danish business newspaper, informing us cattle-class plane passengers that we now have the profound honour of being able to design our own...

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