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business models, strategies and technologies

Light in the corners – a different perspective on space

Most rooms  have corners – few interiors do much about them. This light changes the perspective on corners Corners are kinda’ necessary in most buildings, culturally besotted as we are with straight lines and rectilinear design thinking. But how little we use these omnipresent corners … There’s precious little furniture designed specifically for the corner, and most interior arrangements relate to walls and spaces – not their petering...

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Rethinking architecture as process

Presenting professional services as a process – it’s the interaction that gets remembered, more than the result In a pragmatic manner Recently I happened across a Swedish architectural practice that declared on the very first line of their self-presentation that they deliver “distinct ideas … in a pragmatic manner”. What caught my eye was this prominent focus on the way in which they do their stuff –...

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Rethinking the value of potholes

Placed in the right context, bad roads can suddenly take on new value – their defects provide valuable data for a driverless future Road infrastructure – used, worn and expensive Decaying, aging infrastructure is the bane of the industrial world. Burdens are growing, decay is accelerating and budgets are shrinking. Even in a tiny country like Denmark, an early-2016 “state of the nation” report by FRI...

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