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business models, strategies and technologies

The Ethereum alternative – rethinking the infrastructure for transactions

Ethereum is billed as a decentralised platform that runs smart contracts – and it seems like a conceptual quantum leap onwards and upwards from the much-battered  Bitcoin cryptocurrency New kinds of money and innovative payment networks The first “real” blockchain cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, launched around 2009. Bitcoin uses open-source, peer-to-peer technology to facilitate financial transactions and operate independently of governments, central authorities or banks. P2P...

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Squirelling your money away – a new business model for savings

Squirrel is a “financial wellbeing company” – with a refreshing angle on the basics of what things are called, and how we can think about them Financial freedom (seemingly) made simple Squirrel blurbs itself as “Britain’s number one financial wellbeing benefit that builds good financial habits, helping your staff feel happy, secure and supported.” Notwithstanding being a good candidate for a sloppy grammar award, this business model seems to...

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“Maintainers” as the real movers

New technologies and their corporate head honchos are often lauded as society’s heroes. But nothing’s sparkly new for long – perhaps the real heroes are those who keep things working – the “maintainers” The easiest and most obvious narrative about technological change centres around the whizz-kids – the Steve Jobs’es and the Elon Musks. They’re the easy shorthand for lazy journos, the poster execs of...

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