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business models, strategies and technologies

Rethinking the value of potholes

Placed in the right context, bad roads can suddenly take on new value – their defects provide valuable data for a driverless future Road infrastructure – used, worn and expensive Decaying, aging infrastructure is the bane of the industrial world. Burdens are growing, decay is accelerating and budgets are shrinking. Even in a tiny country like Denmark, an early-2016 “state of the nation” report by FRI...

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Glimpse of a rethink about insurance structures

“Pay-how-you-drive” – one small step towards rethinking insurance structures from a customer-centric perspective ”Pay-how-you-drive” as point of entry I recently (1Q 20016) noticed that Qatar Insurance Company is piloting “pay-how-you-drive” car insurance in Qatar, highlighted as part of a push towards greater safety/fewer accidents. “Pay-how-you-drive” car insurance is pretty much the pinnacle of a range of car insurance payment models, ranging from odometer-based payments based on distance...

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Drool-worthy or different?

It’s easy to be impressed or even gobsmacked by Fallen Furniture. But impressive isn’t the same as innovative … Furniture from scrap A luxury furniture firm from the UK reminded me how crucial it is to differentiate between natural drooling over a company’s products and thinking that there’s any “rethinking” actually involved. Fallen Furniture takes scrap parts – wheels, engine cowlings, wings and even bomb...

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