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business models, strategies and technologies

Where lieth the real EV innovation narrative?

Much real electric vehicle innovation has little to do with the motor or battery technology inside. Technical breakthroughs don’t mean much if the primary conceptual narrative is stuck in a mindset from Henry Ford days. Narratives beneath the surface It’s all too easy to think of electric vehicles simply as newer-tech versions of their century-old internal combustion engine counterparts – just with a different...

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Business models for identity and uniqueness

Digital unique identifiers – luxury, advantage, prerequisite or opportunity? What do we do with identity? In our current world of branded identity and social media profiling, identity has become an often-artificial construct – something you engineer and use to illude, rather than something innate, immutable and earned. But engineers, techno-geeks and forensic detectives don’t think about identity in the same way as the Kardashians...

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Business models for satellite-based operations – dents and directions

It’s deliciously easy to techno-drool about a plethora of new satellite-based capabilities. But have we thought the business model through? In praise of engineering prowess In February 2022, SpaceX successfully assembled a 400ft rocket using a trio of giant robotic arms, in an impressive ballet of engineering dexterity and prowess. This involved quickly and effectively stacking the different components, using technologies far beyond the...

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