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business models, strategies and technologies

From silo thinking to Benchling

R&D results and know-how are worth more than the sum of their parts – how can we manage and implement them more effectively? Applying scarce research resources better A lot of money and many grey cells get poured into technical and scientific research and experimentation, worldwide. At the same time, the challenges facing our planet and our society have become so grave and profound...

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From bigger to better – an alternative direction for wind turbines?

Rethinking wind turbine engineering to provide the flexibility to meet real off-grid needs The bigger the better? The whole idea of modern wind turbines lies in the renowned techno-mantra of “the bigger the better”, as explained here by (for example) the US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. That’s basically because wind turbines need to be large (read: very large) to exploit the...

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Business models for identity and uniqueness

Digital unique identifiers – luxury, advantage, prerequisite or opportunity? What do we do with identity? In our current world of branded identity and social media profiling, identity has become an often-artificial construct – something you engineer and use to illude, rather than something innate, immutable and earned. But engineers, techno-geeks and forensic detectives don’t think about identity in the same way as the Kardashians...

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