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business models, strategies and technologies

Flatpack car production – the CKD business model

Completely knocked down (CKD) logistics for assembling cars used to be common – and have become so again for planes I’m a big fan of vintage/classic/unusual cars – a dream of scenarios and pleasures simply not possible in over-restricted, over-taxed Denmark. One of my compensation mechanisms involves following the visual delights and gorgeous vistas provided by the BringaTrailer website. Blast from the past In a...

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From big-scale energy generation to scavenging energy from movement

Moya Power sheets make it possible to harvest and scavenge energy from within existing urban infrastructure – making the most of energy that’s there instead of churning out new. The United Nations apparently estimates that two-thirds of the population of the world will live in cities as of 2050. This will mean the demand for energy in urban areas will increase dramatically. Is...

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Baked beans made in heaven

Startup Mason Beans re-invented baked beans with a radical rethink of a mundane staple food – and the business model behind it. One thing I never thought I’d write a blog post about is food – and food doesn’t really get much more mundane and low-life than the humble tin of baked beans. But a remarkable recent UK business initiative has shaken up previous perceptions of...

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