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business models, strategies and technologies

Rethinking compartmentalisation of farming

“Organic” farming usually gets labelled the “good guys” – fairly uncritically. The CONCITO think tank reckons environmental impact is a better guideline – so perhaps we should rethink our lazy labelling I recently read an interesting piece from Torben Chrintz, the quirkily designated “Chief Knowledge Officer” at CONCITO, Denmark’s so-called “green think tank”. Torben Chrintz is apparently the mastermind behind many of this think...

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Rethinking the smartphone continuum, with the Runcible

All smartphones basically look the same and can do the same things, steamrollering along a tech-driven path of legacy incrementalism. Where’s the customer-centricity? On 27 February 2015, San Francisco design company Monohm Inc. announced the Runcible, which they called the first personal device for the post-smartphone era. It looks like no other communication device, and it seems like a radical rethink of pretty much...

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Making pricing models customer-centric

Thinking about basic pricing structures and how an item gets paid for hasn’t really changed since the days of barter. The HeSaLight example might be one path for doing so … New business model for selling light bulbs I recently (early 2016) read about the Danish company HeSaLight, developers and manufacturers of energy-efficient LED lighting solutions. However, this apparently increasingly controversial company seems much more...

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