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business models, strategies and technologies

Squirelling your money away – a new business model for savings

Squirrel is a “financial wellbeing company” – with a refreshing angle on the basics of what things are called, and how we can think about them Financial freedom (seemingly) made simple Squirrel blurbs itself as “Britain’s number one financial wellbeing benefit that builds good financial habits, helping your staff feel happy, secure and supported.” Notwithstanding being a good candidate for a sloppy grammar award, this business model seems to...

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Making pricing models customer-centric

Thinking about basic pricing structures and how an item gets paid for hasn’t really changed since the days of barter. The HeSaLight example might be one path for doing so … New business model for selling light bulbs I recently (early 2016) read about the Danish company HeSaLight, developers and manufacturers of energy-efficient LED lighting solutions. However, this apparently increasingly controversial company seems much more...

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Rethinking the billable hours paradigm

Knowledge workers should probably be ramping up for some kind of paradigm shift in pricing – selling the benefits they create (value) rather than the hours they work (costs). But how? It seems a bit paradoxical that the one sector of industry that’s fairly central to innovation and new thinking is itself stuck in a seriously geriatric pricing paradigm (gargantuan generalisation, here). Legal...

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