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business models, strategies and technologies

Value-building capabilities help plastic solutions get serious

Plastic is nasty stuff – but how do we turn tackling it into good business? Tipping point arrived? Anno 2019, the tipping-point awareness about the problems caused by plastics suddenly seemed to have been reached. The so-called Overton Window – the range of publicly acceptable discourse – had shifted. The plastics discussion seems to have finally gone mainstream – and inevitably been pillaged and...

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Fishing into plastic – culprit or changemaker?

Fishing operations aren’t losing plastic – apparently they’re dumping it. Do they want to be part of the problem, or part of the solution? The National Geographic Society and Sky Ocean Ventures have put together the Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge to source new ideas about ways to deal with plastic waste in our oceans. Laudable, of course, but this doesn’t deal with the mainstream...

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Conceptual laziness won’t wash in the environmental (fashion) face-off

Buzzwords and superficial descriptions of business processes are never enough to combat the juggernaut of calculated misinformation I’ve been quite proud of myself recently. While doing my weekly restrained-consumer mini-shop at our local branch of the German discounted retailer Lidl, I bought several items of clothing – ultra-cheap but surprisingly sartorially appropriate. I’m well aware of the polemics about the perpetual flood of unnecessary fashion frippery. And...

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