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business models, strategies and technologies

From big-scale energy generation to scavenging energy from movement

Moya Power sheets make it possible to harvest and scavenge energy from within existing urban infrastructure – making the most of energy that’s there instead of churning out new. The United Nations apparently estimates that two-thirds of the population of the world will live in cities as of 2050. This will mean the demand for energy in urban areas will increase dramatically. Is...

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Rethinking perceptions of green

Green went from positive to propaganda pariah – “fashion of the month” usually shoots itself in the corporate foot Redefining green as blue For many years now, communication and marketing efforts have mindlessly enrolled the colour green for service as a symbol of environmental awareness and responsibility. So much so that it’s become a cliché, with its own derogative moniker – greenwash. The word...

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Rethinking compartmentalisation of farming

“Organic” farming usually gets labelled the “good guys” – fairly uncritically. The CONCITO think tank reckons environmental impact is a better guideline – so perhaps we should rethink our lazy labelling I recently read an interesting piece from Torben Chrintz, the quirkily designated “Chief Knowledge Officer” at CONCITO, Denmark’s so-called “green think tank”. Torben Chrintz is apparently the mastermind behind many of this think...

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