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business models, strategies and technologies

Invisibility and technology value

Technology is often embedded and invisible – so how do we understand and appreciate its value? One of the commercial difficulties with the proliferation of technology and digital embedding is that it’s often difficult to see or appreciate what’s going on or why it’s good. Techy stuff either works or it doesn’t, and value of digital interactions is difficult to make tangible – especially in...

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Legal practices ready to be rethunk

The path to disrupting the legal eagles’ cosy nests isn’t straightforward – there’s a mindset to change, too There’s a general awareness that the legal trade is a fairly soft soon-to-be-gazumped target for digital disruption. Consider features like high fees, formidable barriers to entry, little obvious value provided and a general distrust/scepticism about what such companies actually do to justify their high fees and always-expensive offices. Latin...

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The art of APIs

The world’s going digital – easy headline, but someone has to make it actually happen A lot of the innovation development and thought leadership work I’ve been doing with clients in recent years has been built around the basic premise (assumption?) of digital interconnectivity and the easy, low-cost scalability and exponential growth this supposedly makes possible. It’s a great/inspirational story, and many a bestselling...

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