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business models, strategies and technologies

Perceptions about pianos – battles born to be lost?

Grand pianos haven’t changed much for 300+ years – are there openings for rethinks? Product of evolution In the world of keyboard musicifying, grand pianos are pretty much top of the league by most parameters – size, cost, weight and prestige. I’m a near-total music ignoramus, but I reckon they’re probably ranked as nobility among the multitude of different musical machines used to perform...

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Musical frameworking and depths of appreciation

Music performances in different contexts unravel new dimensions of capability  – and audience appreciation Post-Napster, and ever since the arrival of Spotify and streaming services ad libitum, live performances have become the cornerstone of many musical artists’ income – especially the big/known names. Think Rolling Stones, still rockin’ home bucketfuls of bucks after all these years. But the live performance game is a’...

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Pipe organ experience reframed

The intricate realms of organ music seem to be shucking off the confines of the ecclesiastical – go YouTube I recently attended an organ concert at a local church. Unexpectedly, the experience gave rise to a series of ponderings about organ music, its place in a greater scheme of things and its potential via rethinking.  What stood out with this particular event – at...

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