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business models, strategies and technologies

Publishing platform for activist intervention

OR Books – a  publishing company keen to rethink the mix of technology, intention, business model and reader role There’s rarely much that is really new in the world of book publishing – except for the cannon fodder of authors and titles ground through the machine. Lots of marginal change and bumpy adjustments to digital realities – not so many big rethinks. Launched in 2009, New York-based independent...

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Business numbers made more useful – Konsolidator-style

Konsolidator® cloud-based financial consolidation software patches two worlds together – old-school Excel and new-gen SaaS According to its name tag, Danish-based Konsolidator® is a cloud-based financial consolidation and reporting solution that streamlines the complex processes involved in financial consolidation and reporting. It’s designed to be a quick, easy way to provide and present high-quality data clearly, enabling finance departments to deliver data that is useful and valuable...

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From Repair Café to reputation building

Repair Cafés provide an attractive “franchisable” way to implement circular-economy thinking – rooted in community not product Set up in 2010, the Amsterdam-based Repair Café Foundation has a wonderful genre-bridging perspective that seems to provide a great example of how circular economy measures can be made to work in practice. The Foundation wants to bring back and re-invent the basic idea of repair as...

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