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business models, strategies and technologies

Rethinking the business of the book – incrementally and more

It ain’t easy to pen a book to help your brilliant ideas establish the thought leadership they deserve. But lean publishing changes the game … Books and thought leadership After I recently ghost-wrote a book for a high-level client, several other clients have recently voiced interest in “doing a book”. They’ve got a great idea and want to tell the world about it. Coincidence? I...

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Fintech and the kill switch

The Car Finance Company simply kills your car if you don’t keep up the payments – what’d happen if this was a widespread payment model?  The art of linking One characteristic feature of many new business models capable of rattling the bars of established industries (avoiding using the dreaded  dis****ion word here!) is that they link together technologies and ideas probably already familiar, but...

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Insurance moves from individualisation to the “group mind”

Danish company Gobundl harvests (well, harvested) the power of the “group mind” to rethink the traditional fintech focus in insurance From individualisation to the “group mind” One of the big “blessings” in our IT-driven, highly automated world lies in the degree of individualisation now available in so many goods and services. One of the key features of digital expansion is that the costs of making/processing...

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