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business models, strategies and technologies

Rethinking the black magic of new company names

From descriptive and inspirational to bland and nonsensical, company names can be glorious opportunities or risk-laden pitfalls. In the world of digitally focused business, there’s been a tsunami of new company names that’d have been inconceivable twenty years ago. Made-up names, weirdo words and alphabet soups, all in service of the need to register a URL not already shanghaied by either potential competitors or...

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New narratives about write and wrong – from Futuracha Pro onwards

Typography geeks tend to try to/have to adhere to rules – but Futuracha Pro is a font built on fluid thinking I admit it – I’m a sucker for good typographic design. Kinda’ classic style, but with a modern twist, please. Unfortunately, a lot of the writing work I do ends up in the hands of ad agencies and graphic designers born long after desktop...

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The Mahabis universe and a philosophy of slippers

Mahabis slippers – changing the entire narrative about leisure, as well as echoing new discoveries in decision-making theory To the average Brit, slippers sound like the death knell for any pretensions at coolness, a precursor of post-middle-age domesticity, dullness passively benched in front of the house altar, blending in colourlessly with tasteless wallpaper and leatherette sofas. Distilled naff-dom. But that was before the arrival of Mahabis –...

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