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business models, strategies and technologies

New(er) light on property value

Upping the levels of real estate transparency with digital auctions of commercial property – the TrueMarketValue concept Banishing the black arts Good old bricks and mortar are one (two?) of the most tangible and tantalising bastions of conventional thinking and subjective opinion in financial transactions. They’re also a fecund arena for urban myths, epistles of professional envy and biz-world horror stories that serve to...

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The Ethereum alternative – rethinking the infrastructure for transactions

Ethereum is billed as a decentralised platform that runs smart contracts – and it seems like a conceptual quantum leap onwards and upwards from the much-battered  Bitcoin cryptocurrency New kinds of money and innovative payment networks The first “real” blockchain cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, launched around 2009. Bitcoin uses open-source, peer-to-peer technology to facilitate financial transactions and operate independently of governments, central authorities or banks. P2P...

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Rethinking motorcycle transmissions – and the rider experience

Rethinking the whole motorcycle riding experience for the comfort generation – as an OEM add-on that could help add customer-centric thinking to the biker world I grew up on motorbikes – they were a great way to get around cheaply (and with a fair amount of kudos) when I was at university in northern England. In my more senior years (read: mid-life crisis, if thou...

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