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business models, strategies and technologies

Impossibility engineering – decision-making as a discipline?

Is decision making a process or a result? Individual or collective? How do we make decisions effectively in a chaotic world of macro-phenomena and unpredictability? Art, science or learned skill? “Decision making” – a seemingly innocuous moniker that spans a plethora of evils and paths to salvation or disaster, whether national or organisational. It goes on all the time, everywhere, at every level of...

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From 3D printing to additive manufacturing – the missing narrative

Additive manufacturing – a mindset about future-responsible fabrication. Evolve Additive Solutions is a company that provides a strategic perspective often missing in communication. What’s in a name? 3D printing is probably one of the most unfortunate names a new technology has ever been saddled with. Any introduction of a product or service on this naming basis has to jump the chasm of disbelief and incredulity,...

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