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business models, strategies and technologies

From bigger to better – an alternative direction for wind turbines?

Rethinking wind turbine engineering to provide the flexibility to meet real off-grid needs The bigger the better? The whole idea of modern wind turbines lies in the renowned techno-mantra of “the bigger the better”, as explained here by (for example) the US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. That’s basically because wind turbines need to be large (read: very large) to exploit the...

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Business models for identity and uniqueness

Digital unique identifiers – luxury, advantage, prerequisite or opportunity? What do we do with identity? In our current world of branded identity and social media profiling, identity has become an often-artificial construct – something you engineer and use to illude, rather than something innate, immutable and earned. But engineers, techno-geeks and forensic detectives don’t think about identity in the same way as the Kardashians...

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Business models for satellite-based operations – dents and directions

It’s deliciously easy to techno-drool about a plethora of new satellite-based capabilities. But have we thought the business model through? In praise of engineering prowess In February 2022, SpaceX successfully assembled a 400ft rocket using a trio of giant robotic arms, in an impressive ballet of engineering dexterity and prowess. This involved quickly and effectively stacking the different components, using technologies far beyond the...

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