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business models, strategies and technologies

Research as competitive advantage – Volvo-style

A car is a car – but with the Equal Vehicles for All Initiative, Volvo differentiates differently Volvo recently (April 2019)  launched the Equal Vehicles for All (EVA) initiative in worldwide media, with a series of attention-grabbing images and films of a female body dummy splintering into a myriad pieces. The accompanying messaging was about the differences between what happens to male and female bodies...

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(Planetary) problems don’t have to be ugly – or idiot-simple

Thinking simple doesn’t cut it when the future state of our planet is at stake. The amount of effort we put into describing environmental challenges doesn’t match their seriousness. The kinds of problems barrelling down the turnpike towards our planet are seldom simple, black-and-white or mono-causal. They’re complex, inter-connected and are often treading new ground – this kind of man-made shit-storm has never occurred before in...

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Conceptual laziness won’t wash in the environmental (fashion) face-off

Buzzwords and superficial descriptions of business processes are never enough to combat the juggernaut of calculated misinformation I’ve been quite proud of myself recently. While doing my weekly restrained-consumer mini-shop at our local branch of the German discounted retailer Lidl, I bought several items of clothing – ultra-cheap but surprisingly sartorially appropriate. I’m well aware of the polemics about the perpetual flood of unnecessary fashion frippery. And...

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