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Tag Archives: architect

3D engineering goes ecclesiastical

How do you build a gobsmackingly unique mega-church without plans? Sagrada Familia meets 3D modelling and engineering Magnum opus, seemingly ad infinitum La Basílica de la Sagrada Familia (“The Basilica of the Holy Family”) in Barcelona, Spain, is a visual riot of an ecclesiastical wonder, the magnum opus of break-the-mould Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. The first stone was laid way back in 1882, making...

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Rethinking architecture as process

Presenting professional services as a process – it’s the interaction that gets remembered, more than the result In a pragmatic manner Recently I happened across a Swedish architectural practice that declared on the very first line of their self-presentation that they deliver “distinct ideas … in a pragmatic manner”. What caught my eye was this prominent focus on the way in which they do their stuff –...

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