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business models, strategies and technologies

Agrivoltaics as a bellwether for “how” rethinks about solar power

Maturing approaches to agrivoltaic solutions – next-generation disruption? In my professional capacity as a development consultant, one of the client technologies I work with is a small-but-growing specialist corner of the solar energy express train – agrivoltaics. At root, agrivoltaics involve the co-locating of agriculture activities and photovoltaic panels for generating solar energy. Instead of the unfortunate either/or option presented by traditional, land-based...

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Digital twinning and new perspectives for “technical sales”

Selling technical equipment has long been plagued by “what if” uncertainties. But what if customers could see how new equipment would help them? Struggle for mindspace I’ve been working with B2B companies involved in what can be loosely categorised as “technical sales” for decades. One of the biggest hindrances to such sales efforts is the need to be “top of mind” at exactly the right...

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From bigger to better – an alternative direction for wind turbines?

Rethinking wind turbine engineering to provide the flexibility to meet real off-grid needs The bigger the better? The whole idea of modern wind turbines lies in the renowned techno-mantra of “the bigger the better”, as explained here by (for example) the US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. That’s basically because wind turbines need to be large (read: very large) to exploit the...

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