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business models, strategies and technologies

3D engineering goes ecclesiastical

How do you build a gobsmackingly unique mega-church without plans? Sagrada Familia meets 3D modelling and engineering Magnum opus, seemingly ad infinitum La Basílica de la Sagrada Familia (“The Basilica of the Holy Family”) in Barcelona, Spain, is a visual riot of an ecclesiastical wonder, the magnum opus of break-the-mould Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. The first stone was laid way back in 1882, making...

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Business models for satellite-based operations – dents and directions

It’s deliciously easy to techno-drool about a plethora of new satellite-based capabilities. But have we thought the business model through? In praise of engineering prowess In February 2022, SpaceX successfully assembled a 400ft rocket using a trio of giant robotic arms, in an impressive ballet of engineering dexterity and prowess. This involved quickly and effectively stacking the different components, using technologies far beyond the...

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Forward-thinking HVAC – engineering marginals or innovative business model?

Rethinking HVAC opportunities – building energy efficiency from the basement upwards/backwards From technical titillation to on-site realities Discussions about energy-efficiency ideas often get centred around innovative new technologies, new vehicles, new propulsion systems, new energy sources, etc. Technical innovation is a journo-friendly topic capable of generating sound-bites galore, and often drooled over by pundits and politicos eying easy fixes and sassy slogans. But the practical...

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