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business models, strategies and technologies

Food trucks – transience in a tin can or ultra-flexible business on wheels?

Food trucks are popular – but Danish food truck company HiiYou is selling a dream of entrepreneurial freedom and customer interaction instead Following the food truck fad Danes often seem to display an uncritical attitude to anything supposedly associated with “cool” – particularly when it’s perceived as coming from the US. So it’s no surprise that American-style food trucks – riding high on the current Scandinavian...

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Visualising the (truly) autonomous world

Changing perceptions by showing us what infrastructure-free localisation enables autonomous vehicles to see Mapping autonomous capabilities There’s a whole lot of talk about autonomous vehicles – whether in the air, on the roads or in our factories. Generalising horribly, most of the discussion is pretty vague, and this vagueness probably has a lot to do with basic ignorance on the subject.  There also seems to be...

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Eyewear from Flint, Michigan – from refuse to responsibility

Genusee is an eyewear company on a plastic-busting mission little to do with eyewear. From thing to purpose and process I worked as a copywriter for eyewear clients for many years. The vast majority of eyewear companies use core messaging centred around various derivatives of looks –  coolness,  design, fashion-following, taste, kudos et al. New American eyewear company Genusee seems to be on a different track –...

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