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business models, strategies and technologies

Rural design – architecture or growth potential?

Architectural inspiration and opportunity need to go rural – where they can change more (Design) life in the country I live in the country, and also run my company from an office in delightfully rural surroundings. Both by choice, I might add. Unfortunately, however, one of my main sources of both “intellectual” inspiration and visual pleasure lies in modern architecture. I have to admit there...

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Rethinking simple ceilings – stretchily

Stretch ceilings can be either a low-level practical advantage or a high-level conceptual opportunity – an opening for rethinking architectural design. Humans (and other creatures) have been building dwellings for millennia – how can it still be possible to completely rethink one of the six enclosing surfaces? I’ve been (amateurishly) involved with designing houses and repairing ceilings for a long time – either my...

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Rethinks for the shape of aviation?

Aircraft design has been based on pretty much the same conceptual mindset and engineering truisms for yonks. Is it time for a shape-shifter rethink? Tubular traditions Almost from the beginning, aircraft have consisted of a long, more-or-less tubular structure for cargo (human or otherwise), with some kind of airfoils sticking out from the sides to provide the lift needed to get the whole shebang...

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