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business models, strategies and technologies

“Maintainers” as the real movers

New technologies and their corporate head honchos are often lauded as society’s heroes. But nothing’s sparkly new for long – perhaps the real heroes are those who keep things working – the “maintainers” The easiest and most obvious narrative about technological change centres around the whizz-kids – the Steve Jobs’es and the Elon Musks. They’re the easy shorthand for lazy journos, the poster execs of...

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Rethinking rethinking, in digital dimensions

Ideas – and the mindset behind them – are the driving force behind radically new business models. The non-digital idea has to be fully viable before it can be digitally implemented Scalability and success The digital revolution has brought us an exponential expansion of many capabilities – in industry, business and entertainment, and pretty much everywhere else (whether we realise it or not). For many...

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Rethinking what we call phones

The mobile phone started as a phone, but has evolved into a Swiss Army knife of technology capabilities. Shouldn’t our conceptualising of this key item evolve too? The mobile phone was once what the name says – designed solely for communication between two people over a distance. Today, improved technology combined with digitalisation means phones are used for a plethora of different purposes...

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