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business models, strategies and technologies

Biotech building – from eco-coffins to growing proteins to growing products

From wasteful, destructive building processes to biodegradable, biotech business opportunities From burial to biotech At a wake-like family event after my mother’s recent funeral, I promised the few remaining members of my name-clan that I’d put my proverbial affairs in order – it’d be massively difficult for them to deal with all the morbid practicalities in the for-them-foreign country where I live. Inevitably, this...

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Forward-thinking HVAC – engineering marginals or innovative business model?

Rethinking HVAC opportunities – building energy efficiency from the basement upwards/backwards From technical titillation to on-site realities Discussions about energy-efficiency ideas often get centred around innovative new technologies, new vehicles, new propulsion systems, new energy sources, etc. Technical innovation is a journo-friendly topic capable of generating sound-bites galore, and often drooled over by pundits and politicos eying easy fixes and sassy slogans. But the practical...

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Musical frameworking and depths of appreciation

Music performances in different contexts unravel new dimensions of capability  – and audience appreciation Post-Napster, and ever since the arrival of Spotify and streaming services ad libitum, live performances have become the cornerstone of many musical artists’ income – especially the big/known names. Think Rolling Stones, still rockin’ home bucketfuls of bucks after all these years. But the live performance game is a’...

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