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business models, strategies and technologies

Moulding links from strategy to implementation

Strategy talk is (expensively) cheap – it’s implementing big new ideas that costs the really big bucks. How can a company move from strategy to implementation effectively? Edicts from the top There are often big difficulties involved in transitioning from top-down “the science agrees on …” assertions, C-suite aspirations and lofty strategy declarations, on the one hand, to practical action and point-of-impact strategy implementation...

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New narratives for lighting manufacture – based on plant polymers

Lamps have long resided in the (disposable) “products” category – with B2B mindsets focused on commercial and practical benefits. Gantri digital manufacturing is rethinking that whole narrative Lighting systems are pretty much stuck in the doldrums with regard to how they’re described and marketed. The basic narratives about what their manufacturers/designers do, and how they do it, hasn’t changed much over the years,...

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Impossibility engineering – decision-making as a discipline?

Is decision making a process or a result? Individual or collective? How do we make decisions effectively in a chaotic world of macro-phenomena and unpredictability? Art, science or learned skill? “Decision making” – a seemingly innocuous moniker that spans a plethora of evils and paths to salvation or disaster, whether national or organisational. It goes on all the time, everywhere, at every level of...

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