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business models, strategies and technologies

Conceptual laziness won’t wash in the environmental (fashion) face-off

Buzzwords and superficial descriptions of business processes are never enough to combat the juggernaut of calculated misinformation I’ve been quite proud of myself recently. While doing my weekly restrained-consumer mini-shop at our local branch of the German discounted retailer Lidl, I bought several items of clothing – ultra-cheap but surprisingly sartorially appropriate. I’m well aware of the polemics about the perpetual flood of unnecessary fashion frippery. And...

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Professionalising partnershipping

Partnering is easier to talk about than to get right. Interesting mechanisms and structures are emerging to help ambitious businesses meet their dream date … In current discourses about the transformative economy, there’s a lot of talk about companies “partnering” with other actors – be they in the private or public sector. Inclusivity, collaboration and building communities of users are now more the current...

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Rethinking recycling – with robotics

AMP Robotics is applying robotics to the dirty back end of the product life cycle – joining up the dots? There are major flaws in every stage of our recycling systems – from product design to collection to sorting, and then in the quality standards needed for re-use. There’s a good Fast Company summary of these here. Rethinking the economics of recycling US company AMP Robotics...

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