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business models, strategies and technologies

Repackaging music performances – The Piano Guys example

Sometimes good ideas take on a non-PC guise – business lessons from Mormon piano playing Lessons can be learnt and ideas kidnapped from the most unlikely sources – including those far beyond the realm of mainstream political correctness. By chance, I noticed that one of the few acts willing to perform at the Trump inaugural bash on 20 January 2017 was The Piano Guys. I’d...

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Exploring farming decisions

Farming often involves weighty decisions, taken quickly by very few people. This makes it an interesting field for exploring decision-making structures. Decision-making on a farm I was born and raised in London, and my points of reference once used to be exclusively urban. Nowadays I live way out in the Danish countryside, and I’ve spent many years witnessing decision-making structures in Danish agriculture from the...

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Taking the schizophrenic out of optician

The ie-glasses rethink of the optician’s shop as design emporium – some thoughts about customer-centricity (or lack thereof) in the optician’s trade From optician to design outlet On a recent visit to Copenhagen, I chanced upon what seemed like a refreshing (partial) rethink of the business model for the optician’s shop. The shop is ie-glasses. The company’s brochure starts by declaring that this optician’s shop isn’t an optician’s...

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