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Rethinking what we call phones
The mobile phone started as a phone, but has evolved into a Swiss Army knife of technology capabilities. Shouldn’t our conceptualising of this key item evolve too? The mobile phone was once what the name says – designed solely for communication between two people over a distance. Today, improved technology combined with digitalisation means phones are used for a plethora of different purposes...
Read moreRethinking rock performance – in praise of Puss N Boots
A rock band with an apparent difference, singing to a different tune – three women with a signature style From Potter to Popper Puss N Boots is the slightly clumsy collective moniker for three outstanding female American musicians – Sasha Dobson, Norah Jones and Catherine Popper. I came across them as an indirect result of discovering a remarkable country-rock(ish) band out of my dear Vermont by...
Read moreWhat’ll it take to make clothes fit?
Clothes have no value unless they fit – but accelerating online sales make that achievement less likely than ever. A gaping disconnect in the e-business model …. According to a recent Danish startup named Fitbay, as much as 50% of clothing sold online gets returned because it doesn’t fit. The company has a certain vested (geddit?) interest in pegging that figure high, because the company...
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